Day 7 Palamos – Waiting, waiting, waiting

Waiting, waiting, waiting

The forecast for today gave us some reason to expect some boring long hours onshore because there wouldn’t be that much wind. Luckily for the weather-guys they were right. Unfortunately for us a small breeze made the committee after 45 min decide to let us wait, and 5 minutes later to let us go on the water again… Because of the nice and warm sun however, the wind dropped and a sea breeze started to build.

After 2,5 YES 2,5 hours of waiting on the water  instead of chilling in our chair and being able to do something useful we finally got on with a start. Since the pin was quite favourable we decided to take a little more room to have a clean start, which didn’t really work out but the upwind wasn’t that bad as the first day! Today we finally had a great reach and we even managed to pass some boats there. However the next upwind the wind was completely gone again and we failed to shift gear to keep the boat going, finishing again somewhere in the bottom of the fleet. After all it would have been nice if the world had ended today, it would have saved us a lot of frustrations, but fortunately we can learn from these mistakes now! Since the sun was almost down we could only do 1 race today, let’s see what tomorrow brings us!


Team WInD470


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