Day 5 Palamos – Cleaning the boat

Day 5 Palamos – Cleaning the boat

A very special thanks to Renskib. On this day of zero wind, we decided to clean the boat. Make it shine. We received a complete package of cleaners and polishers from them, another second thanks for that.
The day before the start of the races was meant for preparing the boat. And it definitely needed some cleaning, after sailing in the dirty Dutch waters for too long. Now, after applying Renskib’s boat shampoo, polisher, boat shampoo and sealer, it’s impossible to directly look at. Sunglasses are advised.
There is not much new on the sailing front, except that we can expect another of very low wind tomorrow probably. We did not go on the water today, but are looking forward to begin the regatta. Let the races start.
Kind regards
Team WiND470

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