First Supplier! De Rode pilaren

Dear readers,

We are very happy to announce the first supplier of Team WInD 470: De Rode Pilaren.
De Rode Pilaren is not just an ordinary pharmacist it’s a very special company, because they give a high value to natural and biological products.
Please check their website for more information.

What is also special about De Rode Pilaren is their own brand of products which are all tested and approved by the NZVT (Nederlands Zekerheidssysteem Voedingssupplementen Topsport = something like the Dutch Doping Checking Authority). These product are of extreme high quality and available for a good price! This ensures us of fair competition and fair sailing!

De Rode Pilaren will supply us with different kinds of vitamins and supplements in order to ensure a healthy body and mind during sailing but also to ensure quick recovery after training!

Kind regards,

Team WInD 470

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