Day 4 Palamos – New gear, new supplier Sandiline!

lycra voor lycra achterDay 4 Palamos – New gear, new supplier Sandiline!

Just before arrival to Spain the delivery guy made us happy with a package from Slovenia, Sandiline who is our new supplier had sent us some new gear! We will be wearing it this regatta, for instance the lycra’s on top of our clothes so we don’t get stuck behind something in the boat. We’ve also ordered some pussy-socks, neoprene socks, in case it really gets cold here, but they will probably prove their use back in The Netherlands… Many thanks to Sandiline!

Unfortunately there wasn’t too much wind predicted here for today, so we decided to go to the harbour early, but looking out our window we realised that was for nothing. So we used today to do some studying and we had some small gel coat repairs which we fixed as well.


Team WiND 470


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